Dear Dr. Yeadon,

This is a bit off topic, but I wanted to thank you for your early warnings about the jibby jabs.

The information you provided enabled me to politely push back when my doctor heavily pressured me to take the shot in early 2021. My family history includes heart disease and a clotting disorder, and my refusal of the jab likely saved my life - thanks to you.

Also, I see from your recent interviews that you believe your message is not reaching a wide audience, and sometimes you seem sad about that possibility. But I believe you've reached many more people than you know. My circle of friends/family (a large circle) follows you closely, shares links to your interviews, and works daily to inform others of potential harms.

You have educated many, and saved many lives. Thank you!

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Thank you, Cats Rulr,

all such good news is very encouraging and uplifting!

Best wishes


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Hello Dr. Mike Yeadon,

I'm glad to see that you came across the Mass Psychogenic Illness Phenomena too. I've researched this topic quite a lot and suggest you to read the paper "ASID - Ambiguous Self-Induced Disinformation Attack". It reads like a manual for how to use information warfare tactics to artificially create this MPI phenomena on a massive scale. All under the pretext of national self-defense against foreign attacks, of course. When I came across this paper I was already convinced that this phenomena had been weaponized during the pseudo-pandemic after having researched it quite a lot. I could share some of my findings with you if you are interested. Also I have the theory of how a very important propaganda technique was used to stage the pseudo-pandemic by polarizing the society and inducing "group think" (some argue that MPIs are also a kind of groupthink). It is called "alternative choice-double-bind" and it (and other types of double-binds) was also used during the gulf war as a propaganda tool to polarize the society and preemptively defame critics as far right according to the important research of the psychologist Wilhelm Kempf and others. According to Kempf these double-binds don't have to always consist of two messages contradicting each other. By the way, the "two-sided-message" research, on which these propaganda double-binds are said to be based, later developed into the "Inoculation theory" which is now heavily used by the many so-called fact checkers out there. Interestingly Irving Janis, who developed the groupthink theory, also researched the two-sided-messages. Basically I think the zoonotic vs. lab-leak narrative is exactly this kind of alternative-choice double-bind, which made it easy to defame any criticm as far right or racism thanks also to Trump and others. But no matter for which of those two narratives you decide you always choose fear of a supposedly deadly virus and the injection (which according to Trump "you are free to choose", which is a well-known phrase in persuasion science). And there is much more. I would love to hear your thoughts.

"Ambiguous Self-Induced Disinformation (ASID) Attacks: Weaponizing a Cognitive Deficiency"                                                     https://ntnuopen.ntnu.no/ntnu-xmlui/handle/11250/3040027

"Two-sided messages and double-bind communication in war reporting"


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Thanks, looks very interesting.

Though it may help me understand what has happened, it probably won’t be of much use in persuading others, because I’ve no claim to expertise in these areas.

I consider that there’s more than enough evidence in areas I do have substantial experience.

I may be wrong, but I think speaking truthfully from one’s field of expertise is the easiest way of sending out messages that are so believable that they can, for some, be sufficient for them to decide that what they’ve been told is simply wrong & that can be catalytic in their own mental toying with the many contradictions that inevitably arise when one is told lie after lie.

There might be a key nugget it here, so I’ll look. Thanks again,

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Thanks for taking a look at it and your reply.

I had hard times in trying to make people aware of this MPI phenomena. Of course, speaking truthfully from one's field of expertise is always very good, but there are influential organizations that use psychological methods like the "inoculation theory" to let people develop "cognitive antibodies" against certain unwanted views relatively independent of their real content. This process, which is basically that of making a straw man (because the soon to be debunked argument is presented in an "attenuated" form), can make almost every expert look like a quack for the general public. It's a pity that this very important control method has gained so little attention in the alternative media. People are often caught in certain narrative frames so they can easily be debunked. I find it very important to make people aware of how these manipulation techniques work, that they work relatively independent of their truth content (because they make use of unconscious mechanisms), so that they can recognize them. I find confirmation for this approach in the so-called "metainoculation" studies which successfully used inoculations against inoculations (that is by making people aware of this manipulation method) and thereby made people believe more in 9/11 "conspiracy theories" :)

"Inducing Resistance to Conspiracy Theory

Propaganda: Testing Inoculation and

Metainoculation Strategies"


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Hello Dr. Mike Yeadon:

I am a member of UK society having the same observations, convictions and resistance as you have regarding the governmental responses to a manufactured pandemic and the mandated dangerous injectables. You, in contrast are an educated and dedicated scientist with a record of significant involvement, knowledge, honesty and employment. Your voice has weight and contains truth.

My background is in digital technologies, having seen the first vacuum tube based computer stationed at the university in Zürich, Switzerland filling a whole large room. I recognized the significance of the invention and predicted this device to control our future. I embarked on understanding the device and educated people of its use and dangers. I spent 40 years helping people to understand the implications of the device and its functionality, insisting on critical usage and end-user control.

The computer is the principal device enabling the organization of the various events leading up to the main event, the plandemic: Genomic Sequencing, Crisper technologies, rtPCR based testing, Event 201 and the creation of gene-based therapies (modified RNA, mRNA and adeno-vector countermeasures). Without this device the announced 4th industrial revolution by the WEF, its head Klaus Schwab and technology adviser Yuval Noah Harari to attempt to Reset the world’s economies and societies would not have been possible.

The power of the computer enabled Oxford University’s Neil Ferguson to use predictive statistical models to pretend knowledge of the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on society. Based on his false statistical prediction the plan to install fear into society and force the uptake of the prepared deadly countermeasures took its course.

After following Dr. Didier Raoult of France, I saw your earliest published interview, surrounded by your workshop expressing your critical observations. I introduced your interview to a large Canadian Telegram group and tried to make sure your voice is heard as far and wide as possible. I collaborated with the UK Column and Reiner Fuellmich sending them my thoughts and introduced them to Dr. Charles Hoffe, yourself, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Peter McCullough and Patrick Wood amongst others.

Your brilliant Telegram post of Dec.18th, 2023 where you list the 5 dimensions of utmost importance to the construct of the plandemic made me contact you again to send you my past contemplations in the form of my essays about this attack on society en large (I can send them to you).

As the discussion surrounding the bug is presented now, I observe specialists in their fields steering the focus of the failed injectables towards plasmid contamination (failed cGMP processes) and FDA (MHRA) failures of oversight and away from the questionable and dangerous gene therapy/mRNA platform. This is in contradiction to the observations of Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt and yourself. The mRNA/modified RNA injectables were never safe or efficacious from their inception.

As an example for this change of focus serves Kevin McKernan’s colloquial presentation in front of the South Carolina Senate regarding his findings of the presence of SV40 and plasmid contamination in the injectables. He stated that the mRNA platform is ‘exciting with lots of potential’. He communicated in the hearing that the jabs were ‘rushed’ and that a ‘production mistake’ was the underlying reason for the toxic nature of the available injectables. He mentioned Process 1 and Process 2 whereby Process 1 was used to obtain EUA approval (with in his mind efficacy) and Process 2 as being the unprofessional production process involved responsible for plasmid/SV40 contamination. He stated that it was an ‘obvious error’ of production.

Kevin McKernan does believe Process 1 was valid, efficacious and likely safe. He even stated that the originally presented jab was ‘effective against covid’, despite the evidence available to the contrary by the trials conducted and (gradually) published by Pfizer and Moderna. He does criticize the failed oversight of the FDA, CDC and NIH. He is not accusing them of the obvious outright failure to protect society from harm by the mRNA gene therapy as they were supposed to ensure. He did not point out in his presentation that the jab is an EUA countermeasure and not a vaccine or medicine. He positions the FDA as the failing entity despite the fact established by Katherine Watt, Sasha Latypova and yourself that the FDA (MHRA) had no mandate to oversee the jab’s safety, efficacy or production.

McKernan is now the ‘hero’ whistleblower (stated by the S.C. Senate) opening the ‘possibility to question and legally pursue’ the federal government’s agencies as well as the Pharma companies involved.

This observation is at the heart of my criticism. McKernan, Dr. Robert Malone and others are increasingly creating a division between the mRNA platform and the now obviously flawed production thereof expressed as Process 2. They do not condemn the mRNA platform per se. They can be seen to advocate for ‘scientific evidence for the potential of the platform’ in the future, blaming ‘shoddy production’ for the jab’s toxicity. But as you have observed, scientific protocols and associated product safety protocols have not been followed for the mRNA platform, and the currently known dangers concerning the mRNA platform, Modified RNA and in general ‘Gene Therapy’ have been abandoned. Scientific methods have been abused, confused and deliberately falsified to further a dangerous novel ‘medical product’ platform.

The least discussed aspect of the mRNA platform seems conveniently overlooked: the desired ability to alter human DNA. The desired ability to optimize the human, come death, hell or high water.

Transhumanism. An experiment ongoing.

The purpose of the Wuhan origin story and associated pandemic imagery, bug infested cruise ships, the military transport of the dead in Northern Italy at night, the scary spread in New York, the elderly dying in care homes (they did not die of the bug) was all infernal theatre amplified by marketing to force this countermeasure into every arm.

The planned delivery of the real toxin via the jab, legitimizing the plandemic; was it really a countermeasure or the plan all along?

I thank you very very much for your work!

Albrecht Meyer

Dec. 18th, 2023

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I am at the point of accepting that after four years, I’m not going to be able to stop the diabolical people from doing whatever they plan next.

I recommend now those who are awake turn all their attention to preparing to survive.

If you do not, you won’t make it beyond a short time after the next stage in the assault upon humanity,

Four years is as long as WW1 lasted.

Time to focus on building a decentralised existence.

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By the way, kudos to you for your in-depth summary of what has happened and the continuing deception by some, who are regarded as part of the opposition to the global coup.

There are so many wheels within wheels that it wouldn’t be at all surprising if no two individuals seem the complex whole alike. It’s not important to agree on everything & I don’t doubt one of the methods to confound reaching a common understanding of what’s been done to humanity is precisely to create multiple sub-narratives.

It is said that if it’s possible to get people asking the wrong questions, it’s unnecessary to be concerned about the answers generated. This is where we are.

One of the most important sub-narratives is that “it’s the contaminating circular DNA, arising from the defective Process 2, that has rendered these cutting edge vaccines, otherwise brilliant inventions, toxic. It follows that there must now be a race to establish production methods that eliminate such DNA in future generations of products, because the next pandemic may soon be upon us”.

The best deceptions work well because they’re adjacent to the truth, while being false.

For example, FDA has no formal oversight role for these countermeasures. Another is the contamination deception. Yes, there is DNA in excess of FDA limits, but that might even be irrelevant, because even the bare designed entity is intentionally harmful & remains so whether or not the production process is altered to exclude this DNA.

Great complexity, especially accompanying scientific matters well beyond the capabilities of most people to understand let alone evaluate, is a tremendous advantage to the perpetrators.

In my opinion simplification of what must be widely communicated, without ourselves becoming inadvertent participants in deception, is very important.

It is for this reason that I’m declining to participate in the developing bunfight over highly complex, scientific matters in relation to adulteration with DNA (that DNA is present as a consequence of the manufacturing method).

Without any of it, we know more than enough to be persuaded (& persuasive in warning others) of near & present danger.

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Dear Dr Mike Yeadon!

Thank you for all you do. Not sure if this is going to be any useful but sending it your way:

See Mrs Kingston, 16min - 17min (or better start from 11min) of https://nioland.substack.com/p/mrna-122 for interesting fact of what is included in the contracts of Pfizer and moderna, covering medical devices clauses!

Dr Martin and Mrs Kingston call this a bioweapon and advocate for legal approaches appropriate for groups of people using bioweapons on civilians. In my limited understanding, it is a bioweapon because the LNPs deliver bioweapon payloads. Plus some of the shots have been found to contain in-organic nano-wire-based technology based on graphene-oxide instead of traditional silicon based (see closely at least the popularized articles at Harvard Magazine that describe Prof Charles Lieber's research starting from 2001, on nano-wires that self-assemble and need extraordinary low energy and made very cheaply with chemical processes instead of traditional lithography, to biosensors and bi-directonal stimulators of neurons, and brain-activity nano-wire meshes as extensions, research funded by NIH back before 2009 and in 2017! Harvard Prof. Charles Lieber was inprisoned as COVID started, supposedly because he sold state secrets to the Chinese, and he was just released recently).

eg. see a high level summary https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2017/07/lieber-university-professor and follow the links to other Harvard Magazine articles about his research, or look at his patents and publications!! In fact he found back in early 2000s that covering such inorganic nano-scale devices with Lipids allows penetration into the cells without killing the cells, exactly like they use PEG LNPs in covid to deliver their payload whatever that may be.!

Combine that with research on Cellular Automata by MIT (circle of MIT professors include Ray Kurzweil and Neil Gershenfeld + a very frequently done cross-polination between MIT and Harvard professors), and as a different model of computing (vs the classical von_Neuman model of computing that we have which has serious deficiencies at nano-scale) that mimics neuron function to collectively effect computation, also a focus of Prof. Charles Lieber and other Harvard professors. At the very least you can say they did test runs of such technology with some shots to some people. These all qualify as in-organic programmable devices delivered by the vaccine, and Mrs Kingston notices in this the above video exposing what she has found.

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Completely off-thread, but could not post comment on to Sasha/Mike discussion of thought control.

Mike, thoughts are words. It's absurd but that's our civilisation. A table has nothing to do with the word “table”. You can't go into a shop and exchange the word for the object (unless you wave paper). Nevertheless the brain accepts this currency. Here lies the intelligence of the 3 letter agencies.

This is old and will not necessarily convince you. But it does have its points


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I’m deeply sceptical that what’s stated in the audiovisual is even faintly possible.

It’s also of a lesser concern to the many people who are injured & dying from the intentionally placed mechanisms of toxicity built into the injections, which requires no new technology.

In any case, the perpetrators have near totalitarian power over most people without anything adverse being in the injected material.

A turnkey totalitarian planet is being built, day by day, merely by preparing the ground for the mandatory requirement to have, carry and present digital ID at all times & the preparation for go-live of cashless CBDC.

We agree that totalitarian tyranny is imminent if not already here.

Let us continue to fight it with all we have.

It’s not necessary to persuade others of our particular insight. It’s more important to convince others that their liberty & lives are at stake than the precise details of the methods being used.

Good luck!

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Thanks. I'm not sure that this is a reply to any of the above, but I think their attack is like a moving kaleidoscope. If you wanted to make it hard for our experimental testing, you would constantly expand or change the technologies at play, over a multitude of theatres.

Dr David Nixon's (Substack) astonishing microscopy of what is in, not only the vaccines, but all injectables, shows that what he is seeing - and he's not sure what it is at any point - constantly changes or evolves, becomes more sophisticated, month by month.

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Thanks mate.


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