BOMBSHELL Report on Random “Garbage” Proteins mRNA COVID Shots Make in Your Body
Vaccine Report
A bombshell publication in the prestigious journal Nature December 6 revealed a new, unwanted, unpredictable, and potentially deadly effect from the mRNA COVID shots: making your body produce random, “junk” or “garbage” interloper proteins that interfere with critical body functions.
Shockingly, the UK researchers found that the mRNA COVID shots don’t just direct the body to make the toxic spike protein you hear so much about. In as many as 30% or more recipients of the COVID shot, the modified mRNA has a weakness that causes the genetic code to be misread, producing “read errors” that make vaccinated people randomly produce misfolded, unknown proteins that can cause deadly consequences: severe autoimmune reactions, neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinsons, Alzheimer’s, ALS and other dementias, as well as aggressive cancers.
Igor Chudov published a detailed analysis of these newly discovered dangers of the mRNA COVID shots in his December 6 Substac entitled “Covid Vaccines Produce Random Junk Proteins Thanks to an "Invention" Which Coincidentally Won the Nobel Prize.”
So how does the Nobel Prize get awarded for experimental mRNA technology used in COVID shots that are causing such death and destruction of people around the world? And what is the connection with the “modified mRNA” that is now causing these additional, unknown damaging proteins to be produced in our bodies?
Drs. Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissmann won the Nobel in Physiology and Medicine in Stockholm Sweden December 10, 2023 "for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19"
But what wasn’t generally disclosed in mainstream media is the major conflict of interest that Katalin Karikó has actually worked for many years for BioNTech, the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturer. Why was the Nobel Prize awarded to a person who works for the company that made the product for which the prize was awarded? This is the first time in the history of the Nobel prizes that the winner works for the company that stands to financially gain from the Nobel prize publicity.
Our international experts today discuss the reasons the Nobel Prize awarded for the mRNA modifications named in the award citation. These mRNA modifications do two things: (1) they in effect disguise the mRNA to make it harder for the body to recognize the RNA in the vaccines as foreign genetic material, so this foreign material passes into the cells throughout the body; (2) the modifications make the mRNA harder for the body to break down, so it lasts longer –in fact possibly for years—inside cells, tissues and organs of the bodies of those who got the shots.
But as the UK researchers found, as well as earlier scientists who raised this concern, the third damaging effect of this modified mRNA technique that just won the Nobel prize is causing the body to make abnormal random proteins that damage critical functions in the body and last for an unknown duration. This process to generate these abnormal and undefined proteins is called “frame-shifting” and it produces variable effects in each individual, since each person mounts a different immune response to attack these faulty proteins, and this causes autoimmune disorders and increased cancer risk.
Patients cannot even give informed consent to these injections because these “garbage” proteins cannot be predicted or defined, so there is no way to list them in any consent documents.
The science to explain all this is complex, but the bottom line for people to understand is that if you get the COVID shots and boosters, your body is at risk to make nonsense proteins that confuse your immune system and causes it to attack itself, and then accumulations of these “junk” proteins leads to cancers.
In another alarming development, also published in the same December 6th issue of Nature, regulators in Japan have recently approved the first self- amplifying mRNA vaccine for Covid-19. This is a new technology that means the mRNA can copy itself once it enters the cells of the body. It means that less mRNA is needed per shot, making them quicker to bring to market for profit (the impossible goal of 100 days from concept to shots in arms!), but also more dangerous over time because this new self-amplifying mRNA just keeps on and on and on directing the body to producing both toxic spike protein and all these garbled abnormal proteins in the “frame-shifting” read-errors we just described.
Our experts warn: Do not ever permit self-amplifying mRNA shots to be put into your body! Its not possible to test anything in 100 days. You cannot even manufacture a new food product in 100 days from a new idea. You can’t make a new car or an airplane in 100 days. These mRNA injections are far more complex biological products than regular medicines or a car or an airplane; they take YEARS to make safely reliably and consistently than regular drugs. JUST SAY NO to more experimentation with your body and your God-given life.
For additional background and resources on these alarming findings, check these links:
Dr. Mike Yeadon Parliamentary presentations in Croatia warning of these dangers: and Follow Dr. Yeadon on Telegram:
Dr. Mike Yeadon Parliamentary presentation in the U.K.
Todd Callender's recent testimony to the Croatian Parliament on medical martial law currently allowing mass murder without any consequences whatsoever:
Striking similarity between human syncytins and the sars-cov-2 spike protein: Why covid-19 vaccines might affect fertility
FrameShiting Slippery Sequence. In depth explanation of what this is, and how it damages the body. Tragically, this author reports that the Frameshifting risk was known in 2021 and it was censored at the journals and on Twitter.
For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation website Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help. Sign up for our email newsletters at and join our Crusade for health, truth and freedom…WE ARE SILENT NO MORE!
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Mike Yeadon, PhD immunologist and former Pfizer Chief Scientist worldwide for respiratory pharmacology and product development speaks from a thirty-year career in pharmacological research and development, new product development, and as a Bio-tech entrepreneur. He is also Chief Scientific Advisor for Truth for Health Foundation and an expert witness on damage from the COVID gene therapy injections. Dr. Yeadon has been a courageous Whistleblower since 2020 warning about damage to pregnancy development as a result of the spike protein and similarity to syncytin, a critical placental protein, as well as lipid nanoparticle damage to the ovaries and testicles.
Jonathan Gilthorpe PhD is an Associate Professor in Cell and Molecular Biology who graduated with First Class Honors in Microbiology from the University Leeds, U.K. His first research experience in Virology at Leeds University led him towards a postgraduate degree in gene regulation during embryonic development, graduating with a Ph.D. in Anatomy from the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill/University College London, U.K. Based on a love and aptitude for research and an affinity for free thinking, Jonathan gravitated towards a long postdoctoral period at the MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, Guy’s Hospital, King's College London working on the development of brain regions in chicken and zebrafish and driving a Caterham 7. He has worked extensively with different types of viruses as research tools and has a deep understanding of molecular and cell biology. A sabbatical at Stanford University led to his expertise in neurobiology/neuroscience and advanced microscopy. After moving to Sweden in 2008, he shifted his research focus towards the molecular mechanisms of human neurodegenerative disease. He lives and works in Sweden and has been a member of the Swedish non-profit organization The Physicians Appeal (Läkaruppropet) since 2021. His publications and other resources can be found on the website which is linked to his Rumble Channel.
Andrija Klarić: Croatian businessman, radio and TV host, and medical freedom activist who has been digging into the very heart of the fraudulent practices that went on in the manufacturing and distribution supply chains for the experimental COVID-19 injections, and exposing the failures of the Croatian regulatory body HALMED to exercise due diligence and properly oversee the safety of the SARS-CoV-2 injections in Croatia, as well as expose similar failures on the part of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Andrija Klarić is the host of "SLOBODNI (which means FREE in Croatian) on Z1 Television which deals with various globally/world important and current topics with experts from all over the world. Follow Andrija’s work at these links:
Dear Dr. Yeadon,
This is a bit off topic, but I wanted to thank you for your early warnings about the jibby jabs.
The information you provided enabled me to politely push back when my doctor heavily pressured me to take the shot in early 2021. My family history includes heart disease and a clotting disorder, and my refusal of the jab likely saved my life - thanks to you.
Also, I see from your recent interviews that you believe your message is not reaching a wide audience, and sometimes you seem sad about that possibility. But I believe you've reached many more people than you know. My circle of friends/family (a large circle) follows you closely, shares links to your interviews, and works daily to inform others of potential harms.
You have educated many, and saved many lives. Thank you!
Hello Dr. Mike Yeadon,
I'm glad to see that you came across the Mass Psychogenic Illness Phenomena too. I've researched this topic quite a lot and suggest you to read the paper "ASID - Ambiguous Self-Induced Disinformation Attack". It reads like a manual for how to use information warfare tactics to artificially create this MPI phenomena on a massive scale. All under the pretext of national self-defense against foreign attacks, of course. When I came across this paper I was already convinced that this phenomena had been weaponized during the pseudo-pandemic after having researched it quite a lot. I could share some of my findings with you if you are interested. Also I have the theory of how a very important propaganda technique was used to stage the pseudo-pandemic by polarizing the society and inducing "group think" (some argue that MPIs are also a kind of groupthink). It is called "alternative choice-double-bind" and it (and other types of double-binds) was also used during the gulf war as a propaganda tool to polarize the society and preemptively defame critics as far right according to the important research of the psychologist Wilhelm Kempf and others. According to Kempf these double-binds don't have to always consist of two messages contradicting each other. By the way, the "two-sided-message" research, on which these propaganda double-binds are said to be based, later developed into the "Inoculation theory" which is now heavily used by the many so-called fact checkers out there. Interestingly Irving Janis, who developed the groupthink theory, also researched the two-sided-messages. Basically I think the zoonotic vs. lab-leak narrative is exactly this kind of alternative-choice double-bind, which made it easy to defame any criticm as far right or racism thanks also to Trump and others. But no matter for which of those two narratives you decide you always choose fear of a supposedly deadly virus and the injection (which according to Trump "you are free to choose", which is a well-known phrase in persuasion science). And there is much more. I would love to hear your thoughts.
"Ambiguous Self-Induced Disinformation (ASID) Attacks: Weaponizing a Cognitive Deficiency"
"Two-sided messages and double-bind communication in war reporting"